Mount Kitanglad Mountain Range: A Conserved Royalty

When you are living in the middle of a highly-urbanized city like Manila or Davao City, the conservation of natural ecosystems may seem a fantasy for you.  Because of the developing technology rising in front of you, you’re fully aware about the capabilities of man on his actions towards nature.  But the luscious green rainforests hasn’t gone yet only to our fantasies and imagination.  They are present, being guarded by people who care.

The Mount Kitanglad mountain range is a recognized ASEAN Heritage Park because of its status as one of the last national heritage in the country.  It is a 47,270 hectares mountain range with about a dozen peaks with Mt. Kitanglad as the highest among them with the elevation of 2,718meters high.

The Mt. Kitanglad Mountain Range National Park was declared a protected area last 2000.  It is also acknowledged as one of the Philippine’s Key Biodiversity, Important Bird Area and is a known nesting place of the infamous Philippine Eagle.

It is also a huge habitat for various endemic mammals like the endangered Golden Crown Flying Fox, Mindanao Moon Rat, Philippine Brown Deer, the conservation dependent Philippine Tarsier and many more.  Also, aside from the great Philippine Eagle, endemic birds can be found in the said nature park such as the Blue Capped Kingfisher, Mindanao Bleeding Heart Pigeons, the Red Eared Parrot Finch and a whole lot more.

Several highlights of the area are the Mt. Kitanglad itself whish is the fourth highest mountain in our country and is responsible for the hotsprings around the nature park, the Cinchona Forest Reserve which allows observation of the Philippine Eagles and the falls of Lalawan, Lungobon and Lusok.

Preservation of magnificent areas of nature must always be observed.  Not only with the popular or recognized places but, including every single inch of our mother Nature.