Travel to Hong Islands Krabi Thailand and enjoy a full day Tour

Hong Islands Krabi Thailand is one of the four islands you should definitely include in your Krabi checklist. It features a tranquil island beach in the middle of the cool blue sea, and stunning limestone formations you and your buddies should see. And a tour on the island can certainly complete your Krabi vacation to the fullest!

However, like other tourist hotspots, you should carefully plan your travel to Hong Island or Koh Hong. This is to know when you should go, what you should bring, how to reach the place and what to enjoy upon arriving. That can certainly help you fully enjoy a Hong Island Krabi tour through your getaway.

hong islands krabi thailand
Enjoying the view of Hong Islands Krabi Thailand

Important Notes for a fully satisfying Hong Islands Krabi Thailand Tour

hong islands krabi
what a nice view!!

Koh Hong is fascinating, but you should keep few points in mind as you plan for a tour on this island. This is to prepare yourself, know your activities and to bring all you need through your stay. Note that Koh Hong is an inhabited island, thus you can’t expect to find accommodations, restaurants and other establishments in it. And that makes your planning stage an important part before going to the island.

When you should visit Koh Hong

Remember that Koh Hong is a tourist hot spot, thus you should know when to visit the place to enjoy it yourself. Of course, you should consider weather and climate factors to avoid rain that can ruin your trip. 

It’s best to visit the Hong Islands Krabi Thailand area during January to March. These months features fair weather on the area, while helping you avoids huge number of tourists on December. This can keep yourself away from Christmas rush, and from the number of tourists from the cold countries. Moreover, it helps you avoid the rainy months of August to October in the Krabi area too.

How to reach Koh Hong

You can reach Koh Hong from the main Krabi Island. Thus, it’s best to travel to Phuket first, then ride a boat from Phang Nga Bay to Krabi Island. But you can also reach Krabi airport from four countries—Singapore, Malaysia, Qatar and China. Moreover, you can fly to Krabi from Koh Samui, Chiang Mai and Bangkok in Thailand as well.

When you’re already on Krabi, you can find some accommodations for you to stay before and after visiting Koh Hong. In addition, be sure to purchase all your necessities for the Koh Hong tour while still in Krabi.

In Krabi, you can go to Ao Nang Beach, and book a private long tail boat for a ride. This boat can carry up to 6 passengers, and costs around 2500 baht. Thus, it’s best to book as a group, so you can enjoy it privately with your companions while sharing the fare you should pay.

Also remember to hop on the boat as early as possible. You can go as early as 7am, so you can avoid the bulk of tourists during the day. Then, you can grab tickets for the boat on an available booth in the beach.

What to Bring

Note that Hong Islands Krabi Thailand is an inhabited island, thus you can’t expect to see houses or a lot of establishments on it. Thus, be sure to carry all you need for your tour.

Enough Cash

You need to bring cash so you can pay the boat ride. Then, upon entering Hong Islands Krabi, you need to pay around 400 baht. That’s because Koh Hong is a part of Thanbok Kharanee National Park. Finally, you can buy beer and drinks on the island, which expectedly cost much higher than those you can buy on Krabi.

Food, Drinks and Utensils

As mentioned above, beer and drinks on Koh Hong are much pricier. Thus, be sure to bring enough food and drinks for your stay. Bring more if you plan to stay for a whole day with your buddies on the island. Of course, be sure to bring enough utensils if the types of your food require.

Swimming and Beach Items

Be sure to bring all the things you need to enjoy on the island, such as extra clothing’s. It’s best to bring sunscreen, sunglasses and other protective accessories too.  Bring watersport items as well, such as snorkel and underwater shoes. Remember that there are no rentals available on Koh Hong.

What to do on Koh Hong

Finally, you can enjoy exciting activities on Hong Island Krabi Thailand during your tour. But of course, always begin by appreciating the massive limestone formation standing at the middle of the island. It divides Koh Hong into two parts, which are the boat dock and the beach area.

Beach activities

Hong Islands Krabi Thailand houses a fascinating tranquil beach area you and your buddies will surely enjoy. This is away from urban area, right at the middle of the cool blue sea. You can choose to go swimming, or try to explore more of the area.

Water Activities

Aside from swimming, you can also have fun snorkeling on the water of Koh Hong. The island features rich biodiversity underwater, thus you can meet and greet different fishes through your adventure.

Visit the Hong Lagoon

Finally, you should not miss to visit the Hong Lagoon which is a content of every Hong Island Krabi review you can read. You can ride on a long tail boat or a speedboat, then it will go pass through a narrow passage way. And that’s when you can see the magnificent art of nature, in the form of turquoise water and massive stone cliffs.

And if mere watching won’t satisfy you, the Hong Lagoon is open for swimming and snorkeling as well. Just note to bring your snorkels to enjoy. 

Keeping these notes in mind can help you enjoy your Hong Islands Krabi Thailand tours to the fullest. This is to know what you can expect upon arriving, and to prepare yourself about what to bring for your tour. Of course, be sure to include other islands in the Krabi area in your itinerary too!