Wander Gala

Cresta de Gallo Philippines: The Most Beautiful Island!

Did you know that the Cresta de Gallo Philippines is the number 1 and most beautiful island in the country?

Cresta de Gallo Philippines is like a bucket list come true for many tourists or travelers. Simply looking at its images would make you wish to explore more about this alluring island. You want to know how to get there, and what you should experience through travel.

Source: Journey Era

The problem is, it’s challenging to collect information about this Cresta de Gallo island Philippines from the internet. This is because of its under progress tourism, which makes it unique among other popular destinations in the country.  Only a few people know about the island, and only a few travelers have visited it. That’s why you should continue reading, so you would know the necessary information while planning for a getaway.

Where is Cresta de Gallo Philippines Located?

Cresta de Gallo Philippines’ location is in the province of Romblon. It covers on the Sibuyan Sea, southeast from the Romblon Island. Its leading feature is a small mountain which peeks like a cockscomb from a distance; hence, giving its name.

Also, the island doesn’t have any infrastructures, such as restaurants and stores. What you would only see is a small house of the island’s caretaker. Thus, it’s a smart way to bring sufficient foodstuffs for your vacation.

How to reach Cresta de Gallo

Source: ExploraPH

Reaching the island is quite tricky since it’s in a remote area on the Sibuyan Sea. However, here’s how to go to Cresta de Gallo from Manila:

  1. Go to Cubao Terminal, and ride a bus to Batangas port.
  2. Go aboard a ferry and travel to Sibuyan Island. Alternatively, you can also take a connecting travel to Romblon so you would reach Sibuyan. Ask the port about what’s available on the day of your trip.
  3. Arriving at the Sibuyan Island, take a jeep to San Fernando in Azagra.
  4. From Azagra, find a “Bangka” or local boat traveling to Cresta de Gallo Island. You need to negotiate for the best price. Also, prepare for an hour of travel on the sea.

Exploring Cresta de Gallo Philippines

Source: Come See This

Usually, you should leave for Cresta de Gallo Philippines around 9:00 am, then return to Azagra in the afternoon. However, you can leave later in the morning, then go back to Azagra after sunset. Just note that the waves usually go more aggressive in the afternoon. Favorably, you can indicate the waves of the island before going by observing the tides of Sibuyan.

On a side note, prepare around 1,500 pesos or 25 euros to rent a Bangka to the island. That’s why you should travel in a group to save money. Also, be sure to buy enough food and drinks at Sibuyan before leaving. Always remember that there’s no food sold on the island itself.

When to Visit Crista de Gallo

Philippines generally has dry atmosphere from November to April. But since January and February are still too cold for an island getaway, March to May are the best months to visit the Cresta Gallo. It lets you enjoy a perfectly pleasant weather, without worrying about aggressive waves on the sea. 

What you can enjoy on Cresta de Gallo Philippines

Source: Mynila

Begin by touring the surrounding of Isla Del Gallo on your Bangka. That’s how you would see a wide range of different shades of blue around the area. Aside from boating, here’s a list you should keep for your visit:

Where to sleep for a Visit in Cresta de Gallo

First, you should consider enjoying Cresta de Gallo Philippines overnight by bringing your tent.  If you don’t have any, you can choose from one of the accommodation options in Sibuyan Island. But the towns of San Fernando and Cajidiocan are the best places to go. Both offer a small number of motels and restaurants which are perfect for travelers.

For example, you can find motels which charge around 800 pesos a night. Moreover, restaurants which offer Cresta de Gallo food, or options you can bring for your island getaway are available too.

Important Notes for a Cresta de Gallo Philippines Visit

To fully enjoy your Cresta Del Gallo vacation, here are few essential notes to remember:

Cresta de Gallo Philippines is the most beautiful island all over the country. And this is mainly because of its unexploited beauty since tourism development hasn’t reached the area yet. Moreover, the difficulty in reaching the place pushes the large crowd away, thus expect the island to remain secluded for still a long time.

Source: IMGWonders

Also, visit other magnificent secluded islands in Romblon and Sibuyan through your getaway. This lets you thoroughly enjoy your Philippine travel.

For Spanish friends and travelers, please visit EligeFilipinas.com for more details

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